Here, you will find the written work I have produced. To see all my published work, go to my LinkedIn profile's "Publication" section.

​Televerde’s Michelle Cirocco goes from cellblock to C-suite
Televerde Foundation CEO Michelle Cirocco knows what the stigma of incarceration is. "Nothing says failure greater than being told that you have to go take an adult timeout, being sentenced to prison and sent to a place where the world can completely forget that you exist." Nevertheless, she was able to work her way to the C-suite and help those looking to move forward from their incarceration.
Here’s how the office-to-apartment conversion trend impacts Phoenix
Offices are seen as places for companies to house their employees and headquarter their operations. It has been a staple of company infrastructure since the creation of the first skyscrapers. Now, they're being left vacant, resulting in developers considering ways to reinvigorate space.

How educators welcome Taiwanese students coming here with TSMC
TSMC has invested over $65 billion in constructing three semiconductor fabs in North Phoenix. This has meant bringing Taiwanese employees and their families over to Arizona. To help these new residents adapt to living in Arizona, both TSMC and Deer Valley Unified School District are providing services to make the transition smoother for parents and students alike.
New Sage Memorial Hospital transforms Navajo health care
A new $177 million state-of-the-art medical facility in the Navajo Nation is nearing completion. Currently, Sage Memorial staff must care for patients in cramped spaces and with outdated equipment. All of that will change this fall when the new facility opens. Here’s a look at how radically different the new hospital will be.

Medical interpreters break the language barrier in Phoenix hospitals, use interpretation and translation services to broaden accessibility
Two medical professionals shared their experiences on how language services change health care accessibility for many underserved people who could fall through the cracks.